Are You Stessed?
The world has changed so much over the last few years and the amount of stress that people are under has grown exponentially. Let’s talk about a few things we can do to shift things and a few supplements that give added support.
First, let’s ditch the word “stress.” What does it mean anyway? It shows up differently for everyone and I think it is much more helpful and powerful to narrow in on what you are feeling. Are you sad? Worried? Scared? Overwhelmed? Angry? Grieving? If you have been to acupuncture, you may recognize those emotions as being related to the five elements and play a huge role in how I diagnose and treat. Once you can name the emotion, you have more power. Now, close your eyes and really listen to your body. Where are you holding this emotion? Tight chest? Unsettled stomach? Short of breath? Tight muscles? Do you feel buzzy all over? Once we can identify this, we have many options in releasing it. Ok, so now what? Schedule an acupuncture appointment, silly! We can come up with personalized plan to help! Ok ok, I’ll give you some tips right now as well!
If you notice in your chest , try this.
Plan a lunch date with your best friend, even if it feels like a lot. Sometimes a walk, talk, or tea with a bestie is all you need. You’ll feel better, I promise! Or make a list of a few things that you are very passionate about and make the time to revisit them. Massage the sternum, it is home to acupuncture point CV 17, which is know to free tension in the heart, balance emotions, and allows one to give and receive love to ourselves and to others.
If you notice it in your stomach, try this
Make a great nourishing meal for yourself, think how good you will feel after a nice warm bowl of soup. Turn off the tv and put down the phone. Our stomach is not only in charge of digesting food, but also information and emotions. Eating a nutrient dense , easy to digest meal (soup) and quieting the incoming information (tv & phone) allows our system to digest our emotions. Massage the stomach meridian, 3 finger widths lateral and above the belly button. This is home to acupuncture points ST 23 & 24, known to calm the mind and harmonize the center.
If you are short of breath, try this
Sit quietly, place your hands on your lower abdomen and breath deeply till you feel your hands rising. This space is called the lower dantian and it stabilizes our energy and our emotions. If you can take a walk in nature, and do this breathing practice, even better! Massage acupuncture point Lu 9, turn your hands palm side up and look for the indent on the wrist crease on the side of the thumb. This will help connect the body, spirt, and emotions.
If you notice it in your muscles, try this
Stretch, stretch, stretch. Yoga will be your best friend. Get those muscles lose, your mind calm, and your energy flowing. Find a way to show off your creativity, maybe a home project you e been wanting to tackle, create a calming environment in your garden, or just sit down with a coloring sheet (yup, adults can color too!) massage the space between your big toe and your second toe. This is where acupuncture point lv 3 is located, it’s name is happy calm and will do just that!
If you feel buzzy, try this
Rest, reset, and restore is what is important when we feel this way. Curl up with a good book or a journal, take an afternoon nap, and relax in an Epsom salt bath. When we feel stuck, or frozen, fear usually is a key player. Explore what might bring these feeling up. Are you scared of failure, running low on resources, too exhausted to get it done? Massage acupuncture point ki 1, located on the bottom of the foot, under the ball of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd toes. This point is incredibly cleansing, restorative, and stabilizing.
Need a little extra? Check out the supplements below from my favorite company!
Click on the link to learn more but I’ve pulled some of the key points from Thorne’s website.
Stress B Complex B vitamins work together to help regulate cortisol, blood sugar, serotonin, norepinephrine, magnesium levels, and folic acid levels. All of which play a role in our feelings of stress and anxiety. This blog goes into more detail of each B vitamin and how they help.
Phytisone provides botanical support for the adrenal glands. Its unique combination of key adaptogen botanicals and nutrients help the adrenals optimize their response to stress. It’s very easy to get caught in the fight or flight response and phytisone will help bring your body back to place of safety.
PharmaGABA GABA is a neurotransmitter that can decrease the brain's stress-related beta waves and increase the production of alpha-waves, creating a profound sense of physical relaxation while maintaining mental focus.
Stress Bundle feel like you need all 3? Order the bundle and get all three products.
Stress Test not sure what you need, but want to find out?
Thorne is a fabulous company that I trust and love. Please use my links or click here to sign up for an account and you’ll get a discount on all their products. And they always have free shipping!
And as always, feel free to reach out of you have any questions.