Posts in Fertility
Acupunture and Fertility

I first became interested in fertility when I was in college. Pregnancy and childbirth were fascinating to me. When I started acupuncture school I quickly realized I could help couples make their dreams of becoming parents a reality. I read books, took extra classes, and got as much information as I could. But nothing prepared me to walk beside women on this journey more than my own journey with fertility. When my wife and I decided we wanted to have a baby we thought it would be easy. It was anything but. We worked with the Fertility Center of Maryland and tried clomid, injectables, and finally moved to IVF, which resulted in our amazing son. 2 years later we did a frozen embryo transfer and have beautiful boy/girl twins. I have a very deep passion and love for this work. I know what it is like from the depths of my being and am so privileged to help couples become families.

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